The TRS Pillars: Interconnected Sustainable Model

TRS Pillars represent broad, high-level categories that The Foundation has identified, and seeks to make sustainable
The underlying importance of the TRS Pillars is to create collaboration amongst varying industries and disciplines and to instigate cross-pollination of technologies, innovations, ideas and knowledge both between and within each pillar. We create intellectual property and establish companies with amazing technologies and innovations within each pillar so that they are self-sustainable (for-profit). Each of these entities, however, will always give a significant portion of its resources back to The Foundation for further growth and collaboration. These resources can be in the form of innovations, knowledge, products, finance, partnerships, etc.

Education Pillar
Education is broad, but powerful. Most issues and conflicts in the world occur because of a lack of education or knowledge on some end. In this way, TRS Education pillar partners with TRS Media pillar to act as the delivery system of truth and knowledge that society needs and demands. This delivery system is the cornerstone from which each of the other pillars flourishes. TRS educates about dangerous diseases, demonstrates how to use available and new technologies, and empowers to learn and teach through advance communication methodologies. Education will come in many different forms, both conventional and unconventional.
Science Pillar
Much like the other pillars, the TRS Science pillar is large and broad and isn’t as simple sounding as its name makes it seem. It spans every possible field and every possible technology. The TRS Science pillar isn’t about incremental development upon the best technologies for the sake of innovation. What is the point of a fantastic technology that can only be used or benefited by 0.001% of the world? Instead, TRS Science pillar researches and develops sustainable innovations – ones that adapt to suit varying types of situations and communities. The reason being because research and innovation in science are only as valuable as they are implementable and useable by society as a whole.
Media Pillar
Media is arguably the most important TRS pillar. TRS Media pillar will provide a means of communication and collaboration to partners, volunteers, employees and the general public through traditional and untraditional form. Partnering with TRS Education pillar, TRS Media will spread truth and knowledge using the most powerful tools, and will be sustainable in two ways: delivery mechanism and actual content. A monthly subscription that changes every day is not sustainable, as people will forget what was important last week and only pay attention to today’s “hot topic”. Our content itself will follow the 5 A’s of integrity as they are fundamental to TRS Foundation’s mission.
Food Pillar
With one child dying of hunger every 5 seconds, TRS Food pillar has much work to be done. Everyone needs to eat and live – TRS Food makes it healthy and safe for everyone with responsibility, capability, and authority. Sustainable food does not solely mean creating foods in a sustainable manner or with sustainable ingredients; it means being able to empower communities to support themselves through sustainable food technologies.
Commerce Pillar
The TRS Commerce pillar is perhaps the most revolutionary of all the pillars. It will seek to completely transform the view of value in each and every business entity of society. Each entity’s value should be measured by how much positive impact they can affect, not by its ability to maximize economic return. No longer will the number of branches, satellite offices, product offerings, industries served and market share take precedence. Instead, it will matter most how much each entity can immediately improve the quality of life for its stakeholders. The Nasdaq Sustainable 50 Index provide a mechanism to not just encourage the behavior, but also practice the philosophy.
Additionally, TRS Commerce pillar sets out to create a new type of social currency where individuals’ skills and knowledge can be traded. An example would be comparing a company that has four extremely well educated and highly qualified employees versus one that has one hundred mediocre workers. The company with four employees should be more valuable even if the other has higher production.
Energy Pillar
Much like the other pillars, TRS Energy pillar is all encompassing, and is not as simple as it may seem. The Foundation doesn’t view sustainable energy as simplistically as wind, solar, etc. Instead, sustainable energy is about how easily energy technologies adapt and are integrated into varying communities to satisfy their needs. There be will no cure-all sustainable energy that frees the world from its energy crisis. This brings even more importance to The Foundation’s central mission of collaboration amongst varying industries so that it may establish integrated energy technologies that build off one another. This aspect of sustainable energy, however, does not capture the entirety of the TRS Energy pillar. When The Foundation speaks of energy, it is also speaking on behalf of the energy within each member of our society, and his or her individual and communal contributions back to that society. These contributions can come in numerous ways such as knowledge, innovations, connections, infrastructure, time and monetary donations to name a few. Integral to The Foundation’s beliefs is that each member of society is capable of positive contribution in some shape or form.